Racism in EH

The Nevada Environmental Health Association (NvEHA) expresses its outrage with the brutal killing of George Floyd and stands in solidarity with the affected communities.  As a public health organization, we are committed to equity, justice, and inclusion for all.  We believe that racial injustice, racism, health disparities, and discrimination are public health issues- not political ones. 

Racism is a public health crisis that demands an urgent response and can no longer be ignored.  Our environmental health community stands united and committed to taking concrete steps to dismantle racism and to illuminate the public health impacts of systemic racism.  Achieving health equity for our communities will be challenging, but we stand with our members to proactively find solutions to improve public health and eliminate health disparities.  We strive to build a more equitable community and remain committed to ensuring the health and safety of the people in the state of Nevada.

As a local affiliate of the National Environmental Health Association we stand in solidarity against racism in EH, below is a link to NEHA’s  statement on racism.




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